The Foundation is aware that, as well as assisting agricultural development, communities need to have access to health and social services, education and clean water. The Foundation believes that it is communities themselves that will drive solutions to these key problems if they have the opportunity to generate profits in their farming enterprises and/or on small business development.
There are no plans to fundraise now or in the future, but the Foundation hopes that, over time, as it develops a successful model to improve the livelihoods of those in abject poverty, it can encourage other foundations, and philanthropists, to invest alongside it.
The Foundation does not accept any unsolicited requests for meetings or applications for funding.
The Foundation has developed relationships with numerous foundations and social lenders in order to progress its financial support, and it currently supports the following organisations:
(i) Raising the Village, operating an ultra poor graduation model in last mile villages in Uganda – see link to website
(ii) Brac Uganda Bank Limited, a microfinance operator working with rural populations throughout Uganda
(iii) Hands of Care and Hope, providing vocational training for youth living in slums in Nairobi
(iv) Good Nature Agro, a seed provider operating in rural Zambia
(v)Just Know your Coffee Cup (JKCC), is a Ugandan coffee company that supports over 5000 smallholder coffee farmers by buying their crop, educating them on crop quality and obtaining fair prices for farmers.
(vi) FoodCloud (is an Irish non-profit social enterprise fighting food waste and food insecurity by rescuing good surplus food and getting it to community groups in the regions where it is operating. The Foundation is supporting Food Cloud’s current project in Nairobi with Food Banking Kenya.
(vii) COMACO is a pioneering agribusiness and environmental conservation company operating in Eastern Zambia.